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UK Smart Cities Market Research Report 2023

UK Smart Cities Market Size By Solution and Service (Smart Mobility Management, Smart Public Safety, Smart Healthcare, Smart Building, Smart Utilities, Others) Component (Hardware, Software, Service) Level (Emerging Smart Cities, Developing Smart Cities, Mature Smart Cities) End-user (Government & Municipalities, Transportation & Logistics, Energy & Utilities, Healthcare, Education, Others) and Country Market Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2030

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Report ID: 95

Categories: Service Industry

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Summary TOC Segmentation Methodology

UK Smart Cities Market Synopsis

The Smart Cities are Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.

The UK smart cities market has emerged as an important and fast-growing part of urban development, fuelled by growing recognition of the transformative potential of technology and data solutions. A smart city is an urban area that uses advanced digital infrastructure, intelligent systems, and real-time data analysis to respond to urban challenges, improve the overall standard of living of residents and promote sustainable economic growth. 

  • The importance of smart cities in the UK lies in their ability to address the complex challenges of urbanization. As more and more people migrate to cities in search of better opportunities and living conditions, cities face challenges such as traffic congestion, energy efficiency, environmental pollution, and strained public services.
  • Smart cities offer a viable solution to these problems by integrating smart technologies in various sectors, including transportation, energy, healthcare, and public safety. The benefits of smart cities are far-reaching and extend to residents as well as the city as a whole. One of the most important benefits is sustainable development. By optimizing energy consumption, managing waste effectively, and promoting ecological practices, Smart Cities actively participate in reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact.
  • Smart Cities offer a better quality of life for their residents. With the help of real-time data and intelligent systems, they make transport services more efficient, making business trips more efficient and less time-consuming. In addition, the availability of smart healthcare services enables better access to medical care, remote monitoring, and personalized healthcare solutions, ultimately leading to better public health outcomes.
  • The use of technology-based solutions in smart cities brings significant benefits to citizens by increasing accessibility and convenience. Citizens can access public services, pay bills and participate in community activities through digital platforms.

UK Smart Cities Market

Top Key Players Involved Are:

"Siemens Smart Infrastructure (Germany), Cisco (US), IBM (US), Schneider Electric (France), Huawei (China), Intel (US), Microsoft (US), Ericsson (Sweden), Honeywell (US), Bosch (Germany), Vodafone (UK), ABB (Switzerland), Telensa (UK), Arup (UK), BT (British Telecom) (UK), ENGIE (France), Thales (France), PwC UK (UK), Accenture UK (UK), Cubic Transportation Systems (US), and Other Major Players"

The UK Smart Cities Market Trend Analysis

Government Initiatives and Funding

  • The British government has actively promoted the development of smart cities through various programs and policies. These initiatives aim to encourage local authorities and private companies to invest in smart infrastructure and technology-based solutions to improve city operations and citizen services.
  • With financial grants, competitions, and partnerships, the government encourages and supports Smart City projects across the country. These funding opportunities provide a significant financial boost to cities and organizations that want to adopt innovative smart technologies, making it easier to overcome financial barriers and launch ambitious projects.
  • In addition, government support demonstrates a long-term commitment to smart cities, which in turn encourages private sector investment and collaboration. As a result, the UK will become an attractive market for technology providers and solution developers, fostering a thriving ecosystem of innovation and progress in the smart city region.

Advancements in Technology

  • Advances in technology are a major factor in the growth and development of smart cities in the UK. The continuous development and accessibility of innovative technologies have opened up new possibilities for urban planning and management, enabling cities to meet complex challenges and improve the overall quality of life for residents.
  • One important component of smart city technology development is the Internet of Things (IoT). The proliferation of IoT devices and sensors enables cities to collect real-time data on various aspects of city life, including transportation, infrastructure, utilities, and public services. This data approach empowers city officials and managers to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information, resulting in greater efficiency and resource optimization.
  • Data analysis plays a key role in the Smart City ecosystem. The abundance of big data and advanced analytics tools allows cities to extract valuable information from vast amounts of data. This knowledge can be used to understand urban patterns, predict trends and identify areas for improvement. Thanks to this, cities can implement targeted solutions and services adapted to the specific needs and preferences of residents.

UK Smart Cities Market

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Statista

The degree of urbanization in the UK is that it has been steadily increasing over the years. From 2019 to 2021, the degree of urbanization rose from 83.65% to 84.15%, indicating a gradual growth in the proportion of the population living in urban areas.

This increasing trend of urbanization is closely related to the growth of the UK smart cities market. As more people migrate to urban areas in search of better opportunities, infrastructure, and services, the demand for efficient and sustainable solutions in these cities also rises. Smart city technologies and initiatives are well-positioned to address the challenges and opportunities that come with urbanization.

Segmentation Analysis of The UK Smart Cities Market

Smart Cities market segments cover the Solution and Service, Component, Level, and End-user. By Solution and Service, the Smart Utilities segment is Anticipated to Dominate the Market Over the Forecast Period.

  • By incorporating smart technologies into operating systems, cities can achieve long-term savings. The introduction of smart meters and real-time monitoring allows consumers to better manage their energy consumption, resulting in lower energy bills.
  • For service providers, smart solutions help better allocate and conserve resources, which leads to cost efficiency. Smart utilities allow utility providers to quickly identify and resolve problems. Real-time data analytics can detect, for example, power outages or water leaks, enabling rapid response and minimizing disruption to residents and businesses.
  • This enhanced service offering increases customer satisfaction and strengthens the reputation of service providers. Smart Utilities are an integral part of smart grids, which are smart energy distribution networks. Smart grids facilitate two-way communication between utilities and consumers, enabling better load balancing, energy storage, and the integration of renewable energy sources, further promoting sustainability.
  • Continued advances in technology, including the Internet of Things (IoT), devices, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, have made implementing smart utilities even more profitable and cost-effective. As technology becomes more accessible, UK cities are keen to integrate smart solutions into their utility infrastructure.

Country Analysis of The Smart Cities Market

  • In northwest England, a Smart City leader has emerged from Manchester, which implements solutions in the fields of transport, energy, and waste management. The city introduced intelligent traffic management and real-time travel information, emphasizing sustainable practices and energy-efficient technologies. Located in the West Midlands, Birmingham has invested in smart city infrastructure and services. The city is integrating smart technologies into traffic, introducing features such as smart traffic lights and real-time monitoring of public transport.
  • Birmingham has also prioritized digital connectivity and smart building solutions to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Bristol, in southwest England, has been recognized as a leading smart city for its focus on sustainability. City initiatives include smart energy projects, community-based smart grids, and electric vehicle infrastructure. Bristol's commitment to citizen engagement and data-driven decision-making has been key to the success of the smart city.
  • The UK smart city market is characterized by a variety of initiatives across states, driven by government support, private sector investment, and cross-stakeholder collaboration. As technology continues to evolve, UK smart cities are expected to continue to evolve and promote more sustainable, efficient, and sustainable urban environments for their residents.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis on UK Smart Cities Market

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in various sectors, including smart cities. With restrictions on social distancing and lockdowns, cities have accelerated the adoption of digital solutions to manage key services and keep residents safe. This acceleration is likely to increase investment in IoT devices, data analytics, and other smart technologies.
  • The pandemic has led to a significant increase in telecommuting and reduced mobility in urban areas. This change in work habits affected transport systems, leading to changes in transport patterns and demand for public transport. Smart cities may have had to adapt their mobility solutions, such as optimizing public transport routes or providing real-time traffic updates, to support essential workers and minimize congestion.
  • Smart cities have played a critical role in managing the impact of the pandemic on health and public safety. Innovative solutions such as telemedicine, artificial intelligence-based contact tracing, and mass surveillance technologies have been introduced to contain the spread of the virus and manage health resources efficiently.

Top Key Players Covered in The UK Smart Cities Market

  • Siemens Smart Infrastructure (Germany)
  • Cisco (US)
  • IBM (US)
  • Schneider Electric (France)
  • Huawei (China)
  • Intel (US)
  • Microsoft (US)
  • Ericsson (Sweden)
  • Honeywell (US)
  • Bosch (Germany)
  • Vodafone (UK)
  • ABB (Switzerland)
  • Telensa (UK)
  • Arup (UK)
  • BT (British Telecom) (UK)
  • ENGIE (France)
  • Thales (France)
  • PwC UK (UK)
  • Accenture UK (UK)
  • Cubic Transportation Systems (US), and Other Major Players

Key Industry Developments in the UK Smart Cities Market

In March 2023, Cisco and the University of Edinburgh launched the Quantum and AI Centre of Excellence, the launch of the Quantum & AI Centre of Excellence at the University of Edinburgh follows several years of close collaboration such as speech technologies, legal implications of artificial intelligence, network traffic analysis, and quantum programming languages.

In May 2023, Honeywell announced its innovative, new, UOP eFining™ technology, a ready-now solution for producing low-carbon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). HIF Global, the world's leading eFuels company, intends to deploy the new technology to produce eSAF at its second U.S. eFuels facility.

UK Smart Cities Market

Base Year:


Forecast Period:


Historical Data:

2016 to 2021

Market Size in 2022:


Forecast Period 2023-30 CAGR:


Market Size in 2030:


Segments Covered:

By Solution and Service

Smart Mobility Management

Smart Public Safety

Smart Healthcare

Smart Building

Smart Utilities


By Component




By Level

Emerging Smart Cities

Developing Smart Cities

Mature Smart Cities

By End-user

Government & Municipalities

Transportation & Logistics

Energy & Utilities




Frequently Asked Questions

What would be the forecast period in the Smart Cities Market research report?

The forecast period in the Smart Cities Market research report is 2023-2030.

Who are the key players in Smart Cities Market?

Siemens Smart Infrastructure (Germany), Cisco (US), IBM (US), Schneider Electric (France), Huawei (China), Intel (US), Microsoft (US), Ericsson (Sweden), Honeywell (US), Bosch (Germany), Vodafone (UK), ABB (Switzerland), Telensa (UK), Arup (UK), BT (British Telecom) (UK), ENGIE (France), Thales (France), PwC UK (UK), Accenture UK (UK), Cubic Transportation Systems (US), and Other Major Players

What are the segments of the Smart Cities Market?

The Smart Cities Market is segmented into the Solution and Service, Component, Level, End-user, and Region. By Solution and Service, the market is categorized into Smart Mobility Management, Smart Public Safety, Smart Healthcare, Smart Building, Smart Utilities, Others. By Component, the market is categorized into Hardware, Software, Service. By Level, the market is categorized into emerging Smart Cities, Developing Smart Cities, Mature Smart Cities. By End-user, the market is categorized into Government & Municipalities, Transportation & Logistics, Energy & Utilities, Healthcare, Education, Others

What is the Smart Cities Market?

The UK smart cities market has emerged as an important and fast-growing part of urban development, fuelled by growing recognition of the transformative potential of technology and data solutions. A smart city is an urban area that uses advanced digital infrastructure, intelligent systems, and real-time data analysis to respond to urban challenges, improve the overall standard of living of residents and promote sustainable economic growth.

How big is the Smart Cities Market?

Smart Cities Market is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.

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