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Australia Vegetable Oil Market To Reach USD 1.68 Billion By Year 2030

Vegetable Oil Market by Type, Nature, Packaging Type, Application and Distribution Channels: Australia Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023–2030.

Swati Kalagate
Food and Beverages
Pristine Intelligence LLP

According to a new report published by Pristine Intelligence LLP, titled, “Vegetable Oil Market by Type, Nature, Packaging Type, Application and Distribution Channels: Australia Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023–2030.

 the Australian bike-sharing market size was valued at $ 1.25 billion in 2023, and is projected to reach $ 1.68 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 4.3% from 2023 to 2030. Australia Vegetable Oil Market. The Australian vegetable oil market refers to the production, distribution, and consumption of various types of vegetable oils within Australia. Vegetable oils are extracted from plants and seeds and are widely used in cooking, food processing, and various industrial applications. In Australia, common types of vegetable oils include canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, olive oil, and palm oil, among others. The market encompasses both domestically produced vegetable oils as well as imports to meet the demand of consumers, food manufacturers, and other industries.

In the food industry, vegetable oils play a crucial role in culinary practices, food manufacturing, and product formulation. They are used for frying, baking, salad dressings, sauces, and as ingredients in a wide range of packaged foods. The Australian vegetable oil market is influenced by factors such as consumer preferences, health considerations, sustainability concerns, agricultural production trends, and global market dynamics.

Australia's vegetable oil market is the growing awareness and preference for healthier cooking oils among consumers. With an increasing focus on health and wellness, consumers are seeking vegetable oils that are low in saturated fats, high in beneficial nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, and free from harmful additives or trans fats. This has led to a rising demand for oils such as canola oil and olive oil, which are perceived as healthier options due to their favorable fatty acid profiles and potential health benefits. Manufacturers and distributors in the market are capitalizing on this trend by promoting the health attributes of their vegetable oil products and offering a variety of options to cater to different consumer preferences.

The Australian vegetable oil market lies in the sustainability and environmental consciousness of consumers and businesses. There is a growing emphasis on sustainable sourcing, production practices, and packaging within the food industry, including vegetable oil production. Consumers are increasingly mindful of the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions and are seeking vegetable oils that are produced using sustainable agriculture methods, such as organic farming, responsible palm oil sourcing, and environmentally friendly extraction processes.

Australia Vegetable Oil Market, Segmentation

The Vegetable Oil market is segmented on the basis of Type, Nature Application, Distribution Channels, and region.


Rapeseed oil reigns supreme in the Australian vegetable oil market. Unlike olive oil with its distinct flavor, rapeseed oil boasts a neutral taste, making it a chameleon in the kitchen.  This neutrality allows it to shine in various applications, from deep-frying due to its high smoke point to drizzling over salads without overpowering other flavors. Beyond its culinary adaptability, rapeseed oil offers a well-rounded health profile. It contains a good balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both essential for maintaining a healthy heart. This balance is particularly sought after by health-conscious consumers. Australia benefits from a robust domestic rapeseed oil production industry. This local production translates to a consistent supply and potentially more competitive pricing compared to imported vegetable oils. The Australian consumer is increasingly health-focused, driving demand for vegetable oils perceived as having a more positive health impact.  Rapeseed oil's favorable fatty acid profile positions it well to benefit from this trend.


The food industry undeniably holds the top spot in terms of vegetable oil consumption within the Australian market. Vegetable oils are a cornerstone of food preparation across various applications. From baking and frying to salad dressings and marinades, vegetable oils play a crucial role in creating taste and texture in countless dishes. The food industry utilizes a wide range of vegetable oils depending on their specific properties. High smoke point options like rapeseed oil are ideal for frying, while olive oil's distinct flavor profile makes it perfect for salad dressings and drizzling over finished dishes. The Australian food industry is experiencing a rise in processed and convenience foods. These products often rely heavily on vegetable oils for their preparation, further solidifying the dominant position of the food industry segment in the Australian vegetable oil market. While the food industry remains the leader, there might be a shift towards healthier vegetable oil usage within this segment. This could involve a rise in demand for oils perceived as having a more positive health impact, potentially favoring options like rapeseed oil or olive oil.


Sunflower oil dominates the Australia Vegetable Oil Market due to its mild taste, light texture, and high smoke point, making it versatile for various cooking methods. Its affordability appeals to a broad consumer base, while its health benefits, being low in saturated fats and rich in essential fatty acids, align with the health-conscious trend among Australians. Australia's well-established sunflower oil production industry ensures a steady supply and competitive pricing, complemented by the country's favorable climate for sunflower cultivation. These factors collectively contribute to sunflower oil's dominance in the Australian market, positioning it as the preferred choice for households and food establishments alike over the forecast period.

Key Players in the Australia Vegetable Oil Market

Some of the leading Vegetable Oil market players are

  • J-Oil Mills Inc. (Australia)
  • Agri Energy Limited (Australia)
  • Ballantyne Foods Pty Ltd (Australia)
  • PureOz (Australia)
  • Lion Pty Limited (Australia)
  • Goodman Fielder (Australia)
  • Manildra Group (Australia)
  • Peerless Holdings Pty Ltd (Australia)
  • Riverina Oils & BioEnergy Pty Ltd (Australia)
  • Cargill Australia Ltd (Australia)
  • Liberty Oil Holdings (Australia)
  • Bunge Australia (Australia)
  • Boundary Bend Limited (Australia) - Produces olive oil
  • MSM Milling (Australia) - Produces canola oil and meal
  • Elders Limited (Australia) and Other Major Players.

Key Industry Development

  • In January 2021, AAK, a Swedish-Danish producer specializing in vegetable oils and fats, unveiled its latest initiative: a three-story vegan innovation center in Zaandijk, the Netherlands. This center, known as the Plant-based Foods Global Center of Excellence, was established to harness AAK's extensive expertise of over 140 years in working with vegetable oils and fats.
  • in April 2023, Cargill disclosed plans for a substantial investment of US$50 million (A$73m). The investment is intended to modernize and enlarge its oilseed crush facilities in Newcastle, Narrabri, and Footscray. The main objective behind this strategic move is to meet the increasing demand for canola and cottonseed products from their customers while also extending Australian farmers' access to international markets.

Key Findings of the Study / Key Industry Developments. 

  • Australia's focus on organic food production creates opportunities for organic vegetable oils. Obtaining organic certification and effective promotion can tap into a consumer base prioritizing organic ingredient.
  • Rapeseed oil reigns supreme in the Australian market due to its neutral taste, culinary adaptability, and favorable health profile. Local production ensures a consistent supply and potentially competitive pricing.
Pristine Intelligence LLP

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